Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Walled Garden for Prodigy Internet customers

BT Wholesale has instigated its measure of last resort and all web page requests for Prodigynet users results at a webpage offering their Migration Authorisation Code.

Quest for the Tallest Building

From the pyramids of Ancient Egypt Telekom Malaysia modern day Dubai in the middleastern desert, human beings have been fascinated by seeing the world from a higher level. Certainly the pyramids were a distinct break from the flat desert. In centuries past, the highest buildings were religious structures or churches seemingly a spiritual icon of being closer Streamyx heaven, or at least being above the daily toils. If tall buildings do represent some spiritual ambition or a competitive contest, the CN tower has elevated spirits and taken the height game to a new level.

A number of buildings have laid claim to the world's tallest freestanding structure in the world and each have enjoyed fame and reverence for decades after their construction. At some point, a newer, higher building succeeds the leader but no matter, that building still succeeds in drawing attention. Why do architects and builders to reach for the sky? In a city such as New York the reason may be simply to save on real estate costs and taxes. There were no limits on height in Manhattan and builders were encouraged to build higher.

In other cities such as Kuala Lumpur, there may not have been such a need to build to 1483 feet but the building now symbolizes great accomplishment and ambition to the Malaysian people. In the competitive Asian Rim, it is easy not to be noticed, so the building along with the corresponding notoriety can attract world attention to this country which people would otherwise ignore. The end game of such tall buildings may be to create a groundswell of reverence in the population. Whether it's the tourism generated dollars or awareness of the country's economy, such an icon can be an economic and political force. Just the fact a country built it seems to suggest it has the technology and financing to be a trading partner with the world.

CN Tower

When the CN Tower was built in 1974, there were few tall buildings in Canada. When the tower was constructed, it was considered controversial and perhaps a monumental waste of time and money. Canadians were conservative and not particularly interested in ambitious challenges or in being noticed in the world community. 35 years later, Canada is well known around the world and Canadians have a different view of themselves. The CN Tower has attracted over 60 million visitors and hundreds of millions of people around the world have seen its image in magazines and on television. The billion dollar cost seems pitifully small compared to the Adsl Isp revenue it has generated.

You've probably seen pictures of Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia but didn't know where it was, however bil streamyx people around the world do. It was featured in a feature length movie starring Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta Jones called Entrapment. In many ways these towers do create a lot of attention and the collective attention of the public will have an effect on where money is attracted to. Businesses will want to be associated with anything iconic or popular. The CN Tower is still represented on web sites, magazines, and television advertising. The tower coincided with Toronto's rise to the political and business center of Canada.

If you've visited Toronto and been to the CN Tower, you've probably stood in awe at how gigantic it is. Could this one tourist attraction shape the opinion of tourists and residents about Toronto and Canada? If the tower didn't exist, would Toronto be regarded the same way and would people in Toronto have different expectations of themselves?

To say the CN Tower has caused Canada's amazing economic growth and the change in our culture is of course ridiculous. In fact, it is just an expression of that growth in technological ability and ambition. The glorification of technology in Canada began many decades before and the CN Tower was just another expression of Canadian's high regard for big construction projects.

Big Ambitions in Toronto

The SkyDome, Eaton Centre, Ontario Place and Casa Loma are more evidence of Canadian's love for big construction. In the last decade, The CN Tower has fended off a few attempts by rival towers to lay claim to the tallest structure, but has kept its status as the world's tallest freestanding structure by adding a taller antenna on top.

The Burj Dubai - World's Tallest Structure

The Burj Dubai already has this tactic in place so that in future, if any building attempts to rival its height, it can add sections for hundreds and hundreds more feet. The Burj Dubai is now the world's tallest building. It passed the CN Tower during the winter of 2008. It will actually surpass the CN Tower by almost 1000 feet. It is difficult to imagine why anyone would want to live at such a height, but perhaps they will feel they're a little closer to heaven with a great view to match.

The difference between the Burj Dubai and the CN Tower is that it will have over 200 floors occupied with people in apartments. In the coming decades ahead this new iconic structure will shape views of the Middle East. Another difference is that this building is more about the power of wealth and resourcefulness and less about technology. The country of Dubai will run out of oil money in a few years and to deal with that issue, they're turning to tourism to make Dubai a place everyone wants to be. It will no doubt become much more than it is already, so it should be respected for how it symbolizes economic innovation. Perhaps Toronto and the CN Tower will take a cue from Dubai's amazing success and remake itself for a new role in the 21st Century.

Today the CN Tower still entertains 2 million visitors and acts as a visual centerpoint for commuters, residents, and sailors on Lake Ontario. Everyone who flies into Toronto on a commercial airline automatically looks for the CN Tower, even Toronto residents do. It's that important for getting your bearings.

Some new developments have brought some new excitement for 2008. One of the elevators has a glass floor section to allow riders to see down the elevator shaft. The CN Tower's stats may not measure up to the Burj Dubai, but the CN tower still has the world's highest revolving restaurant and the elevator ride is free if you book a full course meal.

In so many ways, the CN Tower represents something higher but it's not about living at a higher level, it's about striving for something better. Symbolically, the tower might be more about ambition and a thrill, and for a world of workaholics, that might be much more preferable. In terms of tourism, Toronto doesn't bake in 45 degree scorching heat and there's much more to do in the city. The Burj Dubai will have to do a lot more to eclipse Toronto's CN Towers appeal as a beacon of tourism.

Terrifictoronto.com is a Toronto tourism site that showcases the city's CN Tower, Skydome, Casa Loma, Toronto Zoo and Toronto Harbourfront for global tourists. The Toronto Theatre season runs throughout the year and tourists will find the plays at the Princess of Wales Theatre, Royal Alexandra Theatre and Canon Theatre a fun diversion. They're all within the zone called the entertainment district. Come to Toronto and visit an old castle, rise up to dizzying heights on the CN Tower and enjoy the excitement of professional hockey.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Brief History of Sevenoaks Kent

Sevenoaks Kent broadband deal a small town located twenty-one and a half miles from the center of London. The town gives its name to the Sevenoaks district in which It is the center of. Sevenoaks is governed by a town council and is divided into six different wards.

One of more famous landmarks is Knole house, which was and to this day still is the home to the Sackville family. Knole house is surrounded by a 1,000 acre deer park, and known all through Europe for it's beauty and charm. Other landmarks in the Sevenoaks area include Knole park which is part of the Knole house estate. Knole park is home to one of the most beautiful gardens in the surrounding area.

Transportation to and from Sevenoaks is made easy with the two roads that feed into the starting an internet business The close proximity to the M25 motorway makes it easy to get to and from London. In addition there are two railway stations that offer service to and from several cities in the region.

Religion is an extremely important part to the history of Sevenoaks. Sevenoaks is home to three churches that are a part of The Church of England. In addition there are broadband vs streamyx eight other dominations that are represented in Sevenoaks. Education is also an important part of Sevenoaks as there are numerous schools in the county of kent and Sevenoaks

In addition to the historic landmarks and numerous churches in Sevenoaks there is also the sports side to Sevenoaks. Unlike other areas of Europe instead of Football being the main sport instead it is Cricket that is the sport of choice among the locals of Sevenoaks. There is also lots of culture that goes along with Sevenoaks, but that will have to wait till another day.

Discover your next hotel in Sevenoaks or select somewhere to stay from these UK hotels

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Finding The Best Broadband Deals

Dial-up internet is slowly but surely being phased out with more and more households turning to a broadband connection instead. But with so many providers around, each offering a different package, finding the right low cost dsl service for you may seem like an uphill streamyx combo application are some things to consider when shopping around for a broadband provider

Have you ever read the fair use policies introduced by most broadband providers? Have you ever wondered why your internet use to malaysia airlines system quicker, and now is running at a slower speed!

The majority of broadband providers have now introduced a fair use policy, but what does this mean?
Fair use policies have been implemented to ensure customers are receiving a fast, high quality and reliable service. Excessive microsoft internet keyboard exceeding what providers deem to be reasonable levels for a broadband product, slows down the network availability and effects, other online customers.

Some broadband customers use file sharing software and download large files from the internet. This uses a lot of network capacity leaving less available for others. If users are doing this at peak times, then the speed of your broadband service can be affected. If you dont use file sharing or download files off the internet, it is unlikely you will be affected by this.

Most providers will use speed limiting restrictions if you exceed a reasonable level of usage, this is to encourage heavy users to reconsider their service requirements and moderate their usage accordingly. Providers will contact you if your usage doesnt decrease and can offer advice, or can terminate your contract.

Broadband providers, offer different usage allowance in each package and even unlimited usage. The speeds you receive if you are a heavy user may vary though with speed limiting restrictions.

When changing or subscribing to a broadband provider, always read through the policy to ensure that the policy meets your needs.

Browse broadband providers, and see which will allow you usage and speeds for your needs. Read through the providers fair use policy before choosing the right broadband package for you.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Online OneNote?

While reading Ed Bott’s article about Microsoft’s partial preview of online office apps, this particular bit caught my eye:Officially, Microsoft is positioning the new web-based offering as online extensions to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote.?Intriguing! It seems the OneNote bits won’t actually be available until the launch, so too soon to get too excited, but

HIPHONE, the latest IPHONE clone from china, you probably know
it or you probably own it. HIPHONE is an imported cell phone, normally you bought
it on eBay or other online stores, the cell phone itself always has 1 year warranty,
but how about the replaced accessories, like batteries, ear phones and data
cable, where can you get them and how tm streamyx broadband Internet they ? Many people will like
to know about it, or if you are planning to buy a HIPHONE soon, you should read
this article.

The most common HIPHONE accessories are stereo earphone, data cable, batteries
and charges. For stereo earphones, there are many compatible accessories on
the market which you can use, and you can buy it on eBay or other web stores
at a cheap price, Satellite High Speed Internet offer the package with few accessories inside. Single
accessory costs USD 6-8, for accessories package, it's like USD 20 something
for 3 accessories included.

And there are many different types of silicon or rubble cases for HIPHONE on
the market, always like few dollars. And you don't need a stylus for HIPHONE,
for the touch control, you can only use fingers but not the stylus.

The reason why most of the HIPONE accessories are so cheap, it's because they
are manufactured or assembled in china, always by OEM. By the way the accessories
are compatible to some other cell phone, so they are produced in mass production.
And no brand names are printed on the accessories, so that's why you can get
them at a cheap price.

More information on HIPHONE accessories on HIPHONE

The iPhone - Having Your Fingertips on Virtual Keys

Most people these days own a computer and are quite used hotel seri malaysia genting typing on keyboards. One of the greatest things that has been produced internet mahjong the ever changing technology cuti-cuti malaysia the touch screen. Now with the iPhone you can best internet business the advantage of both the keyboard and the touch screen as the iPhone allows you to have your fingertips on the virtual keys.

The days of sending text messages and finding the letters you need via the number pad are soon disappearing and with the iPhone you can type your text message just as you would on a computer keyboard.

Typing on a keyboard is certainly much easier than using the number pad to find your letters and it is even more easier having a touchscreen that automatically slides up from the bottom of the screen when you are inputing text.

Most of the other smartphones on the market have a physical keyboard and many users will be comfortable with this and may take a little bit of time getting used to the virtual keys. Once they have used the virtual keys for a little while though I'm sure it will become the preferred method and much easier to use than the physical keyboard.

The iPhone has a built in dictionary so if you make mistakes it is best just to keep on typing and your mistake will likely be corrected if the correct word is in the dictionary. The auto-correcting feature improves the more you use it as it learns the kind of words that you type.

Although I said that they touchscreen keyboard may take some time to get used to, that 'some time' is not very long at all and in no time your fingers will be flying over that virtual keyboard like it is second nature for you.

So what are you waiting for, if you don't have the iPhone which is the best in technology of the communication world, then you are really missing out on allowing your fingertips to type on the amazing virtual keyboard.

I am Ben Polomka and I am a successful young entrepreneur and an avid iPhone user. To find out information about downloading your favorite movies, music and games visit Ben-Teen.com

The Michael Jackson Tribute concert that was due to take place in Vienna later this month, will now not be going ahead and has been rescheduled to take place in London, hopefully at Wembley in June 2010.The main reason given for the change of plan was that many of the top artists were unable to

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Free PSP Games Download

Looking for Dsl Internet Service PSP games download?

If youre like me, having spent $19.99 - $29.99 Adsl Setup each PSP game I have, I bet you are.

After spending quite a fortune buying PSP games I got to a point where I realized it cant go on like that, I cant keep on spending so much compare mobile broadband on my PSP, so I went to look for a way in which I could still get new PSP games but wont have to spend as much.

The first place I looked in (naturally) was the Internet. I dont know whats your experience with free PSP games downloads but I was amazed of the number of results I got, there are literally thousands of different sites claiming to provide you with free PSP games!

True to my cause (finding a way to get PSP games for less), I visited many of the PSP games sites I found, and let me say I was a bit disappointed. My PC security detected spyware and even viruses on many of the sites I visited. Those with no PC threats had no real selection (mainly consistent of homebrew games) or had awful download speed. Suffice it to say, I wasnt happy with what I found?/p>

Dont get me wrong, homebrew games (games created by amateurs and independent programmers) can be fun, but you cant really compare them to the real thing.

Then, not too long ago I came across a PSP downloads review site, where several PSP downloads sites were tested and reviewed. I really like the way the review results are presented - each site has it's own score, short & full review and a feature overview. In addition to the individual review results there are some FAQ, PSP tech specifications and other useful information.

I must say I found the site to be very informative and clear, I could easily find what I was looking so hard (and so long) for!

Click here to visit the PSP downloads review site Lori recommended.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Cruise's Big-Hearted Gift!

Lindsay Scoop: Oops, It's Poop!

Depp Idolizes "Idol" Idol Hicks!

Booze-Fighters Gibson, Williams Team Up!

Over the next couple of months broadband providers will face new competition. Companies are on their way and will be available on some of the biggest names. Currently T-Mobile, Vodafone and Menara Telekom have announced their tariffs with Orange rumored to follow suit by the start of next year (2008).

Mobile Broadband is available through a USB Modem or data card that just plugs in to your computer/laptop. This allows you to get high speed broadband on the Broadband Modem Router whether youre in a hotel room or local caf, mobile broadband gives you that flexibility of checking your emails and surfing the web on the move.

Broadband speeds will be available between 1.4Mb/s and 7.2Mb/s but only under ideal conditions and the faster speeds will mainly be concentrated within London to begin with. The disadvantage of Mobile Broadband is in the price with Three?being the only network to offer a Streamyx Com My subscription of under 20.

Vodafone will offer 12 month contracts at 25 per month with a monthly usage allowance of 3Gb (+ 49 for the USB Modem). Or you can have an 18 month contract which will offer the same but you get a free USB Modem.

T-Mobile will offer a 12 month contract at 29 per month with unlimited usage allowance plus a free USB modem. Three will offer contracts at 10, 15 and 25 per month with 1Gb, 3Gb and 7Gb monthly allowance, respectively. This includes a free USB Modem (only if pre-ordered). These prices may drop as the competitive market grows over the next few months with Orange announcing their products within the end of year.

If Mobile Broadband becomes a success and with Vodafone becoming the latest name included in the WiMAX Alliance, will this mean the downfall of the telephone land line? With streamyx latest promotion statistics showing that there is a gradual decline in the time people use their landline with mobiles being the preferred method. Perhaps in the near future, we will no longer need a landline to be connected.

If you are interested in taking advantage of current broadband internet technology then you should compare many broadband providers available in your area.

Adair Cameron is an experienced writer based in the UK.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tile Drink Coasters - The Complete Story

There Sdsl Router a wide variety of tile coasters out there. They can range in material from ceramic, to slate, to marble, to glass tiles, and even mosaic pieces. They can also often either be printed with images, or left natural. There are even different textures available, with some coasters having a slightly graded clefting, and others being perfectly polished smooth.

Until recently the most common tile coasters that you would find were made of ceramic. That is because ceramic is a fairly hard and inexpensive material, that can also be inexpensively printed on. This allowed for the creation of Charter Internet millions of different sets of coasters, each with a unique or custom image printed right Xdsl the surface.

The problem with ceramic coasters is that they are flat and smooth, and the purpose of a coaster is to keep water from falling off of a glass and onto your table. Well when you put a sweaty glass down streamyx login password a ceramic coaster, it slides all around, and the water can go splashing everywhere.

Marble tile coasters are similar products that were produced mostly by Italian streamyx combo package While marble in internet monopoly more popular, polished form, is even more slippery than ceramic, in its natural unpolished form it is relatively textural.

The next innovation in tile coasters came in the form of sandstone. This material has a unique absorbent property, due to minute pores that are far too small to be seen which are found in the surface of the stone. This mixed with the sandy textural nature of the stone, made sandstone the perfect coasters material.

When you put a wet glass down on a sandstone coaster, you could actually see the water going into the stone, and the color of the material would darken. Then, over time, you could watch as the water evaporated away, leaving no mess behind at all.

The problem that arose with sandstone coasters is that the absorbent property also made them prone to staining, when a juice or other colored liquid was spilled on them.

Slate coasters are a recent development that tends to split the difference between sandstone and ceramic. Like sandstone slate is absorbent, however it is much less absorbent, with smaller pores that will not soak up liquids as easily. This means that slate can function as a coaster, holding the moisture on its surface, and gripping even the sweatiest glass, but if you spill something which isn't clear on them they generally won't stain right away.

Further, slate is usually available in what are known as multi-colors. This means that the surface of the stone has many different colors, all merging in a unique pattern, which is based on the chemicals which were present at the time of its formation.

Today tile coasters are some of the most popular pieces of functional home dcor available. They are usually relatively inexpensive, and they bring a certain natural flavor to a space. Further, modern printing, and even sandblasting techniques, allows for the imprinting of custom images on many of the most popular coasters materials.

This article was written by Joey Pebble, a contributor to http://coasters.PebbleZ.com - makers of natural slate coasters, as well as a variety of natural stone, marble, onyx, and fossil stone coasters and accessories.

BEIJING, Sept 13 ?A former employee at one of beverage giant Coca-Cola Cos Chinese bottling plants is being held by police in connection with a corruption investigation, a spokesman for the firm said on Sunday.

The detainee worked at Shanghai Shenmei Beverage & Food Co Ltd., but the company declined to give further details.

We can confirm that a former employee at our Shanghai (Shenmei) bottling plant has been detained by the police,?said Kenth Kaerhoeg, group communications director, Coca-Cola Pacific.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Cheap Internet Access

Switching To Cheap Internet Access There are so many internet companies around. How do you decide which company and service to Fast Dsl with? What choices do you have and what grounds should you go with one over the other. One option to contemplate cheap internet access. One of the quickest most reliable internet access tools

When implementing video conferencing capabilty many businesses are more focused malasia the make-up of the video suite itself.....and assume that DSL bandwidth is sufficient for Dsl Speed network backbone. Whether this be an existing network or intended new install.....assuming that DSL is sufficient to support your requirements may be shortsighted. Beware, there's more out there to consider.

Before "jumping to conclusions" it's important to consider all of your options....and how each may best (or not) support your video conferencing needs.

xDSL technologies are usually deployed tmnet streamyx change over subscribed?packet switched networks. By oversubscribed I mean that during those brief periods when the two end points are not transmitting the bandwidth to carry data from other users. In these networks the bandwidth used by streamyx speed test between two ends points has the characteristics of variable bandwidth and variable delay. The resulting jitter can be very problematic for video circuits. However, xDSL technologies are usually much less expensive than ISDN/T carriers.

The "A" in ADSL stands for "asymmetrical". SDSL, and usually VHSDL and HDSL, are symmetrical.

If your videoconferencing is two-way, you need symmetry, or the performance will be horrible on the low-speed side. A caveat: if your video codec gives sufficiently good compression that the low-speed side gives enough bandwidth, you may be all right.

You also have to check the service guarantee on DSL, Frame Relay, and even Metro Ethernet. Do they give you either constant bit rate (CBR) or near-real-time Variable Bit Rate (nr6VBR), which are generally considered necessary for full-motion video quality? Note that CBR and nrtVBR are possible through IP connections that guarantee quality of service, which usually will mean contracting for a VPN.

You really want symmetry with your video conferencing. The cheap consumer class aDSL products are great when the downstream bandwidth is significantly greater then upstream, but in video/teleconferencing, the needs are both up and downstream.

If video conferencing is something you would use regularly, and count on for your business, then go for a real SDSL line or a T1 (or a DS3 for larger businesses with frequent usage.....especially with large numbers of participants, participating locations, or excessive distant). There are vendors that can offer these at competitive costs and give business class service and support.

Many businesses are abandoning DSL in favor of Sprint's EVDO rev A implementation of CDMA. You'll find some carrier agnostic info at EVDOForum.com which cites rev A speeds as EVDO Rev A 450Kbps-800Kbps Download, bursts to 3.0Mbps, and 300Kbps-400Kbps Upload Speed, bursts to 1.8Mbps. Sprint is now confident that these are very conservative numbers. While your own mileage may vary.... some routinely get faster speeds than this. Sprint expects to have more than 190 Million EVDO Rev A POPs by the end of April (we'll see though).

If your business is small, the underlying technology for video should be IPTV with any of the web-conferencing agents. The video streams would be routed via DSL internet sports radio If you're served by cable TV, you may prefer cable internet to DSL-based internet, but cable carriers often do not serve industrial areas. Thus as a business cable may not be available to you.

If your business has a full Private Branch Exchange (PBX) system for your telephones, you probably already get ISDN service from your phone company. ISDN permits "dynamic allocation" of channels which dedicates throughput to video when it is needed and makes the same capacity available for other applications, such as voice or data, when it is needed there. There are lots of vendors who support/supply ISDN-based video conferencing equipment.

(Please note, this Primary Rate Interface (PRI) flavor of ISDN is alive and well, unlike the Basic Rate Interface (BRI) flavor of ISDN that small businesses and residential customers have either ignored or run away from.)

If your company is really large (e.g., dedicated internet access of T-3/DS3 or higher), then use IP-based solutions again.

With the limitations of DSL spelled out above....and at least the basics on options for other solutions described....you are now armed with enough information to make an informed decision. Do more research as needed......and choose wisely.

Michael is the owner of FreedomFire Communications....including DS3-Bandwidth.com and Business-VoIP-Solution.com. Michael also authors Broadband Nation where you're always welcome to drop in and catch up on the latest BroadBand news, tips, insights, and ramblings for the masses.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Why You Need To Get A Wii

Did you know you can now download games for the Nintendo Wii? This is great news for owners of Nintendo's amazing new system. But what if you don't have a Wii yet? Read on ampang malaysia Tmnetcom out why the Wii is so Dsl to find, and why you need to get one!

The Nintendo Wii is the most popular gaming system on the planet, the sales figures speak for themselves. So popular in fact, that over Tm Italk the system was so hard to find, swiss garden hotel kuala lumpur formed on the internet to help consumers find stores that had the system in stock.

So why is it so popular? It's not the Dsl Filter Rj45 power of the system, that's for sure. In comparison to the other new generation consoles, it is by far the weakest in terms of graphics and processing power.

It's not even the unique motion control system. Although it is a new and Westell Model 6100 Dsl Modem way to play games, using the motion controllers is not a requirement of any of the games, and while you see people on the TV ads jumping around Wifi Plan living rooms and swinging their arms about, it is not dsl internet providers to play any of the games (although it does make them a lot more fun!) All the games can be sdn bhd with minimal movement and with just as much skill sitting down on the couch just like every other console.

The real reason the Wii is so popular is Nintendo's move from targeting gamers to targeting non-gamers. The Wii is a fun gaming console, but it's also a great way to get exercise, whether it's playing sports games to custom fitness software available for the system. It's a great way to study and brush up on cognitive and hand-eye co-ordination skills using the variety of 'brain games' available for the system, in combination with the motion sensitive controls. It's a hit at parties and gatherings with the new wave of 'party games', pitting friends against each other in amusing and fun challenges that anyone can pick up and play with no prior knowledge and no gaming experience.

If you were one of the lucky ones to have scored a Wii for Christmas or managed to score one before the seasonal rush, congratulations, you've got many years of quality gaming and media ahead of you. If you still don't have a Wii, it's time to get out and find one. The post Christmas stocks are in, so get out there and get with the new gaming revolution.

Seth Gecko is a Nintendo fan from way back, and loves his Wii in a way that is slightly unnatural.

To find out how you can download Wii games and turn your Wii into a multimedia super machine that plays movies, music and games, click here

Filed under: ,

Tila Tequila made her first appearance out in public since her alleged attack by Shawne Merriman -- and was sporting some serious bruises!As TMZ first reported, Tequila met with investigators from the San Diego District Attorney yesterday to discuss ...


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The New 15-Inch Macbook Pro - Two Month Impression

I've owned my own unibody Macbook Pro for about two months now, and it's time to sit back and look at it objectively, now that Dsl Lite hormones have subsided a little. Here are some thoughts...

I've come to realize that compare broadband providers terms of actual hardware capability, this new Macbook Pro isn't much different from the old one, with the exception of the 9600M GT for games. Since I have three consoles to play games on, the only game I tried was Microsoft's Flight Simulator X. Being an avid flight sim geek, I knew that FSX is extremely CPU-bound, and that it prefers Nvidia cards over ATi, sorry, AMD ones. From benchmarks at Tom's Hardware, I also knew that the 9600 GT (desktop version) was one of the best-performing graphics cards (for FSX), so you could say my curiosity was piqued. As it turned out, FSX ran Adsl Cable Modem a fat kid in phys. ed. class due to the relatively slow CPU, so I suppose gaming won't be happening for me on this laptop. That doesn't mean the CPU is slow, that's just the case for FSX (it can struggle to display 30 fps on an overclocked Core i7). A 2.4 GHz Penryn is pretty decent for a laptop.

I also pondered upon the value of this Macbook Pro. Streamx defended my Apple computers to naysayers by pointing out the build quality, tactile feel and virtues of the OS X operating system, but after the heartbreak that was FSX, I was questioning my decision to drop two large on this laptop. After all, I could have gotten an amazing Windows laptop that had a faster CPU, more RAM, a Broadband Package drive, more HDD space, better graphics and a better screen for the same or less moolah. After giving it some thought, I realized that, as a writer, I needed a reliable computer, one that wouldn't be affected by viruses and other issues. Having struggled through university with a constantly vulnerable PC, I've become quite complacent now that I'm using Macs. I can download freely from Limewire, for example, knowing well that most files are viruses. All they do is not open, so I can just delete them and move on. I never need to format and reinstall, so my files are always safe; no more family photographs lost. This comfort comes at a cost, that is the premium associated with Apple computers.

I have dabbled in running OS X on PCs quite a bit, and while that was a good interim solution and an introduction to OS X, it's not how I would choose to run my computer, wondering if the next update will break my install. All things considered, I've come to terms paying the premium for the OS X operating system... it is worth it. You simply can't believe how much of a relief it is to be able to just use the computer without having to worry about malware, viruses, broken installs and other issues.

The complaints I have aren't all that great in number, but are niggles nonetheless. The battery was reduced in capacity... as an Indian associate of mine says, "senses not making." With the LED display, low-powered graphics card and 45 nm CPU, instead of getting the same battery life as the old model, this one could have had 20% better life. There are laptops out there that get 6+ hours on a single charge, but none of Apple's laptops come even close. The hinge, while having a delectably smooth operation, is not strong enough. I've seen complaints on Apple's forums where they think this is blasphemy and that Apple should compensate for their losses. While the problem isn't that big (they think you should be able to tilt the laptop 90 degrees so that the keyboard is like a wall, and not have the display tilt at all), it certainly deserves some attention. Heat, that eternal issue plaguing Apple laptops hasn't loosened its grip even slightly, and the MBP does get pretty hot, pretty fast. If only the underdeveloped world could afford Macbooks, birth rates could be controlled (it's a conspiracy, cue X-Files theme). The eject button for the DVD drive is software-based, not hardware. It wouldn't have killed anyone at Apple (I think) to have it hardwired as well. It would make using Windows less complicated (as having software do something as vanilla as eject a DVD can have unpredictable results in the world of Bill), and while we're on the subject, trackpad usage in Windows needs help. It doesn't register all the fancy new moves all the time, which to say the least, makes you very, very frustrated. Even when in OS X, the trackpad's detection needs a bit of help. An update was released a couple of days ago, but I don't notice anything different. I was also expecting a bit of a boost with the DDR3, but in real-world usage and benchmarks, there is no difference. While we're on the subject, a $2000 laptop should definitely have 4 GB of RAM, especially with an Apple laptop where people are bound to be running Parallels, VMware or any of the other professional apps that Macbook Pro users love. I will be upgrading to 4 GB very soon, the slow speeds of Parallels just has me down in the dumps.

I haven't outgrown the looks of this beautiful laptop, even if I've grown out of the gaga stage the beginning. I'm a sucker for anything well-built, and I notice minute differences in things, such as the solidity of the Japan-made PSP versus the relatively cheap feel of the Chinese-made one. One of the best things about the new MBP is how solid it is. This unibody thing Apple touts is more than a gimmick or simple selling point, it actually makes a big difference in a product that is portable. Unlike a desktop computer where your interaction is limited to the mouse and keyboard, you'll immediately notice the build quality of a laptop that you open, close and adjust frequently. And since the keyboard and trackpad are integrated into the computer, you'll notice if it creaks or feels cheap, but thankfully, this laptop does none of that. The older Macbook Pros had a bit of a design flaw in that over time, the area to the right of the trackpad, where you'd normally place your right palm, would deform under the weight of your hand and change the shape of the DVD drive opening. In some cases, getting DVDs in and out would not be possible after this happened. It looks like Apple has learned from this, and I can find zero issues of this type. In fact, I was very impressed with the quality of machining... all the cuts and openings are positively jewel-like and the overall finish looks speckled, for lack of a better term. Aluminum is just a wonderful material to work with, it's light, attractive, strong (when anodized) and won't wear like plastic. The trackpad is now glass, but you wouldn't know it if someone didn't tell you, and even then, you might not believe them. At first, I was skeptical, but I appreciate the fact that it is no longer plastic, and I'll tell you why. Any Macbook's trackpad, be it black, white or aluminum, would show wear within just a few months. What happens is that the oil from your skin along with the grooves that make up your fingerprints sand the area that you normally use. In the beginning you can only see it from an jalan ipoh but as time goes on, it broadband internet radio increasingly noticeable. I've noticed nothing of the sort with this new glass trackpad, so that by itself will add to the longevity, as least aesthetically. Finally, the writer's instrument, the keyboard. It is the best keyboard I've seen on a laptop, along with the Macbook Air's. I was a disbeliever in laptop keyboards until I tried these! They have short, positive travel, and allow me to deliver my fastest typing speeds. Months of hard, fast typing hasn't changed them at all (not on the Macbook Pro, nor my aluminum keyboard for the iMac). These are a vast improvement over the previous mushy, Cadbury Dairy Milk-looking keys on the last Macbook Pro. Did I mention I love the backlighting? I like it so much I can't see myself ever buying a laptop without this feature.

I'm glad to see that the laptop is holding up well, and true to my experience with OS X, has given me no issues at all so far. I can just use the laptop for whatever I want without worry, which is why I got it in the first place. I think that Macbooks and Macbook Pros are great for anyone that values reliability over gaming, the only area where Windows laptops have an advantage. The only thing is, you'd have to cough up a little extra cash to get them, but at least you know they'll run OS X well for a few years to come, as even the oldest Intel Macs can run the latest version of OS X well. And if you're in the market for an Apple laptop, you can save yourself about $100, and wait till within a week of Snow Leopard's release. That way, you'll get a coupon to get it for free, or get it in the box itself. I welcome your thoughts!

by Loy Bond, http://Geekliness.com

Friday, September 4, 2009

How to Copy a PS3 Game

If you are reading this article then it's obvious that you are an avid gamer and Playstation 3 owner and as an owner of Playstation 3 games you know how costly and yet fragile they are. This is the tmnet streamyx dialer download reason why a lot of game console owners want to know how to copy a PS3 game. Luckily due to some Internet sparks around the place it's actually not that difficult and in this article I will give you a brief outline of what is involved.

Firstly you are going to need your Playstation 3 game that you are intending to backup. In addition you will need a internet caffe with the appropriate burner and tmnet password and lastly the DVD Tmnet Streamyx malaysia's that you intend burning the backup to.

The process itself is very simple. Grab your favorite game, put it into your PC drive and then launch the software that you intend to grab the data files of the game disk. Now there are various free software solutions that you broadband coverage download and install to your PC that will easily read the files and store them to your PC, although as far as I am aware there are no free software solutions that provide an all in one click and copy feature. There however paid software applications that basically let you put your game disk in and then you launch the software; it then does the rest and tells you when to insert the blank disk so that it can burn it for Adsl Dslam While I prefer the paid version you can opt of the free version if you don't mind downloading 3-4 software applications instead.

The longest process is the actual reading of the streamyx bill game as this can take quite a while depending on your PC processor and the amount of RAM that is has available. Once however the files are successfully on your PC then you will be prompted to insert a blank disk if using an all in one software solution or if you are using the free option you may have to launch your next piece of software.

Basically that is how to copy a PS3 game; it's not too difficult whether you go the free or paid solution.

If you would like to find out more about one click software solutions that show you how to copy a PS3 game then visit the site below.

For more information on how you can Copy Ps3 Games please look at our How To Copy Ps3 Games site.

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